In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business world, companies are constantly seeking ways to remain competitive and adapt to new challenges. At this point, it is no secret that one of the most effective ways to achieve this is by investing in learning and development (L&D). While many recognize this, it is all too common for companies that want to invest in growth and development to struggle to create training material that can meet the needs of a diverse workforce. One of the top five reasons employees will leave a job is a lack of proper training or lack of support for training initiatives. So, what separates the good from the bad?

Taking a step back, some of the most successful training programs are ones in which every employee can learn and grow in their career by using several professional education modalities. Some of the most successful companies have already embraced this approach, and for good reason. To truly empower your employees, your company should meet the needs of every learner by providing a mix of modalities to deliver your training, no matter the topic.

By providing a diverse range of learning options, such as asynchronous videos, traditional books, immersive simulations and labs and live training. In-person or online, companies can tailor their approach to meet the individual needs of their employees. This enables a more dynamic and engaged workforce, as employees have the opportunity to learn in a way that suits them best.

Let’s break down each method.

Asynchronous Video

Asynchronous videos are perfect for those who love to learn independently and want the freedom to pause, rewind and rewatch as needed. It’s like binging your favorite show, but with more education and fewer cliffhangers. It’s a good idea to have long training sessions broken down into digestible bites. It’s much better to have six ten-minute videos than one hour-long video. A few tips for successful video training options include having a continuous play feature, a PDF or download for note-takers and quality audio.

Written Materials

Physical books and e-books are excellent options for the literary types who prefer to learn through written material. With the rise of e-books, employees can access a vast library of knowledge on their devices, making it easy to read on the go (or even while hiding from your boss in the bathroom stall). Physical books can be a great addition as a compliment to your existing video or demo-based training.

Simulations and Labs

For the hands-on learners out there, experiential labs are like Disneyland but for work (minus the long lines and mouse ears). These interactive workshops allow employees to apply what they’ve learned in a real-world setting. When designing your learning labs or live sandbox access, keep a few things in mind:

  • Make sure you have allowed enough time for someone to get through the process; not everyone learns at the same speed.
  • Be sure to allow for mistakes and do-overs so the learner doesn’t get frustrated while learning a process.
  • Allow for a pause to stop and rewatch a lesson before getting back to the demo.

Live Training

And for those who prefer a more personal touch, a live instructor can provide one-on-one guidance and answer questions in real-time. Live training can be held online to save on travel expenses and longer time away from work. When setting up a live training session (especially remote training) be sure to schedule a few breaks for coffee refills. You may want to provide a PDF download to allow for note-taking while following the lessons or provide a syllabus ahead of time.

But why is offering a variety of learning modalities so important? Well, for starters, it creates a more inclusive learning environment. Everyone has different needs and preferences when it comes to learning, and by offering a variety of options, companies can accommodate those needs. This, in turn, leads to a more engaged workforce, as employees feel supported and empowered to learn in a way that works for them. By changing up the learning experience with different modalities, employees are more likely to retain what they learn and apply it to their work.

Moreover, offering a variety of learning options also benefits the company as a whole. By investing in employees’ professional development, companies are creating a more skilled and knowledgeable workforce. This can lead to increased productivity, better retention rates and a competitive edge in the industry. Plus, it’s a great way to keep employees happy and engaged, which is like finding the holy grail of L&D (but with fewer sword fights).

Ultimately, offering a variety of professional education learning modalities to employees is like giving them the keys to a kingdom of knowledge. By using multiple delivery modalities, you can create unique learning pathways that are more inclusive and engaging, while also investing in the growth and development of the company as a whole.