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Creating Actionable Objectives for Training Content

3 min read
Objectives drive the curriculum. They direct your topics, influence the test questions, help measure the learner’s progress and they are helpful when you update materials and courses. View the content you create through the lens of actionable objectives.

Keep Employees Connected With Peer Learning

4 min read
Long gone are the days of traditional learning programs. Today’s learners seek more practical, hands-on learning experiences. It’s worth broadening your learners’ horizons by tapping into peer learning.

8 Benefits of Using Serious Games for Training

4 min read
Getting employees excited about training can be a big challenge. One smart solution is to wrap the learning content into a serious game. The benefits unleashed by serious games within the organization are extraordinary.

3 Ways To Design Training That Drives Results

3 min read
Everyone in the eLearning industry knows that training needs to not only produce learning but also put that learning into action. Training is only useful if it leads to performance improvement and specific, measurable results.