Knowledge transfer is the process by which experienced employees share or distribute their knowledge, skills and behaviors to the employees replacing them.

Knowledge transfer programs are accelerating within businesses today for several reasons, most notably the need of organizations to capture the knowledge of baby boom generation employees before they retire. Another is the emergence of convenient digital technologies that are used to collect, store and deliver important information.

Training departments are often asked to develop and manage the knowledge transfer activities of their parent organizations. To do so effectively, according to studies, they must create a formal process around knowledge management that includes the creation of knowledge repositories where useful information can be stored for retrieval.

A variety of tools and methods are employed to accomplish successful knowledge transfer, according to research. Among them are peer-to-peer and team training activities such as mentor networks, coaching, and work shadowing. Other popular methods include technology-based activities such as video captured presentations, social and collaborative tools such as chat, forum, intranet blog postings; and mobile devices.

There are challenges facing organizations seeking to transfer knowledge within their ranks, according to research. They include the absence of a formalized knowledge transfer plan, resource limitations, and employee cooperation and involvement. A list of best practices begins with plans to overcome such obstacles.

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