Workflow learning is embedding learning and support in the workflow to be accessed while trying to perform on the job. Notice the word, “while.”
Features This Issue
Constructive feedback is a powerful tool for improving performance, enhancing relationships and achieving more together.
The rapid advent and adoption of new technologies in the workplace is creating a significant gap between those workers who are proficient and those who are not.
During times of unprecedented change, equipping and supporting middle managers has become critical to any organization’s success.
Failing to measure the job and skill competencies of employees objectively and quantitatively is not a problem until it becomes one.
Moving from transactional, ad-hoc skills management to a transformative learning ecosystem will ensure learning is a key element in realizing the business strategy.
31 Jul 20241:00 pm ET
Until we teased out this distinction between organizational and business outcomes, the stakeholders were not convinced we were shooting for the right story of impact.
Making choices is what we do as customers. Influencing people is what we do as salespeople. Both skills are the flipside of the same coin.

Training Industry Magazine
Best practices for developing effective training programs.
Thought Leaders This Issue
The beauty of life is that we are each unique and bestowed with some strengths.
Consider these approaches to turn the heat into opportunities for career development … without getting burned.
DEI fatigue is the feeling of exhaustion after continuous efforts to promote DEI in a particular setting, yet not achieving the desired results.
In this column, I aim to share valuable insights from Training Industry to empower you in your own L&D career journey.
So, how do leaders form these magical bonds of trust? In essence, they consistently exceed the expectations of their employees, in key moments of truth.
When consumers are confronted with too many choices, they will end up making sub-optimal choices or not able to make any decisions at all.
Training programs must enable employee performance; to do this, learning leaders must cultivate a performance-first mindset.
There are many aspects of a high-performance mindset, but I’d like to focus on: psychological momentum, an abundance mindset and the possibility mindset.