Training Industry continuously monitors the IT training marketplace looking for the best providers of IT training services.

As part of our commitment to the industry and service to our community members and website visitors, we announce Top Company Lists to help buy-side organizations searching for the right training partner.

Selection to the 2019 Top 20 IT Training Companies List was based on the following criteria:

  • Breadth and quality of IT training content and courses
  • Leadership and innovation in IT training
  • Company size and growth potential
  • Strength of clients
  • Geographic reach

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Due to the diversity of client requirements in the IT training marketplace, no attempt is made to rank the Top 20.

Top 20 Companies

Watch List Companies

Watch List

As part of our commitment to continuously monitor the training marketplace for the best providers and services we announce the 2019 IT Training Companies Watch List.

The 2019 IT Training Companies Watch List is intended to help buyers of training services evaluate IT training providers, representing emerging or unique strengths or capabilities.

Due to the diversity of client need in the IT training space, no attempt is made to rank the Watch List.

  • Plano, Texas

  • New York, New York

  • Santa Clara, California

  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  • New York, New York

  • Shinjuku, Tokyo Japan

  • New York, New York

  • Wayne, Pennsylvania

  • Plainsboro, New Jersey

  • Atlanta, Georgia

  • Raleigh, North Carolina

  • Lafayette, Colorado