Bring the Human Touch Back to Digital Selling
Wednesday, June 8 | 12:00 – 12:45 p.m. E.T.
How skilled is your sales team at connecting — really connecting — on a human level with customers? The trend toward increased sales enablement is well intended and can play an important role for sales teams in today’s virtual selling environment. However, unfortunately this can also lead to sales teams feeling largely overwhelmed by too many technologies and tools. As a result, sales reps spend more time logging data or reciting product feature scripts than actually engaging in real-life conversations with customers.
In this interactive session, speaker Bruce Wedderburn, chief sales officer of Integrity Solutions, will address the disconnect in sales enablement and why it’s causing sales reps to become too distracted, thus asking ineffective questions and, too often, missing important cues about customer needs that could have created better rapport.
Join us for practical insights and discussion on:
- Why the key to sales isn’t the technologies you’re using, but the human connections being made.
- Three critical conversations that will help your sales team achieve their 2022 numbers.
- Ways to address not just the “how” of selling, but also the “why.”
- How to put a values and ethics approach front and center.
- Specific strategies for re-humanizing the sales process and gaining greater customer engagement.