The convergence of talent intelligence (the practice of gathering and analyzing data of an organization’s workforce to make more informed talent management decisions), skills intelligence (the practice of identifying the specific skills and competencies that are most important for success in a given role or industry) and content intelligence (the practice of using data and analytics to optimize content creation and delivery) have the power to drive more meaningful personalized learning journeys and provide valuable insight into how learning is transferred throughout the organization.

During this interactive session, we will explore:

  • How these new datasets can help connect the dots to better design, deliver and track the learner’s journey.
  • How this data can transform how we design and deliver learning.



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Leslie Farinella, Chief Strategy Officer, Xyleme, Inc.

Leslie Farinella is passionate about bringing together technology, business strategy, process improvement and change management to address big, complex business problems — the ones that require creativity and perseverance to resolve. As chief strategy officer at Xyleme, Leslie and her team use technology (Xyleme’s industry-leading learning content management system, also known as a component content management system) to re-imagine how organizations design and develop learning content at scale.