One-size-fits-all approaches often fall short of catering to the diverse needs of modern learners. Through adaptive learning, tailored experiences can be created using technology, assessments and branching exercises. Join us to uncover practical tactics for implementing adaptive learning to personalize the learning journey for your audience.

During this talk, your speakers, Dr. Jill Stefaniak, chief learning officer, and Pam Ramsbott, director of global talent management at Litmos, will explore enhancing learning outcomes with adaptive learning. You’ll gain insights and best practices on catering to diverse needs, tailoring experiences and delivering efficient and effective learner outcomes.

This interactive session will provide you with:

  • Strategies to build more efficient and effective learning experiences.
  • A deeper understanding of how technology can support the development of adaptive learning experiences.
  • Insights on how artificial intelligence (AI) will play a role in bridging the gap to true adaptive learning experiences.
  • Tips and tricks on where to get started with adaptive learning.


View full agenda.


Dr. Jill Stefaniak, Chief Learning Officer, Litmos

Jill Stefaniak is the chief learning officer at Litmos. Her interests focus on the professional development of L&D professionals and instructional design decision-making. She also serves as an associate professor in the Learning, Design and Technology program at the University of Georgia. This content represents the opinions of Jill Stefaniak. It carries no endorsement of the University of Georgia.

Pam Ramsbott, Global Head of Talent Development, Litmos

Pam has more than 20 years of experience in the L&D space, leading learning teams in both growth-stage technology companies and larger, established organizations. Pam holds a master’s degree in Instructional Technologies and Adult Learning and is also a certified leadership coach.