Embracing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is a valuable step that employees are pushing for, and companies are leaning into. As organizations strive toward inclusive work environments that harness the potential of diverse teams and mindsets, DEI training initiatives play a vital role in promoting understanding, respect, and appreciation for individual differences. However, without addressing cultural competency, organizations might find their DEI efforts falling short of achieving true inclusivity.

Understanding Cultural Competency

Cultural competency refers to the ability of individuals and organizations to effectively understand, communicate, and interact with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. This concept encompasses not only the awareness of cultural differences but also the skills and behaviors necessary to adapt one’s approach when interacting with those with different beliefs, values and customs.

Diversity and inclusion are closely intertwined with cultural competency. Diversity refers to the presence of a wide range of individual differences, such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, and sexual orientation. Inclusion is about creating an environment where everyone’s unique perspectives and experiences are valued, and their contributions are recognized and respected.

Cultural competency is the bridge connecting diversity and inclusion. It enables individuals and organizations to effectively leverage the benefits of a diverse workforce by ensuring everyone’s unique perspectives and experiences are understood, appreciated, and integrated into the organization’s culture and decision-making processes. By developing cultural competency, organizations can transform diversity from a representation of differences into a powerful force for innovation, collaboration and overall success.

Benefits of Integrating Cultural Competency Learning Into DEI Training

Integrating cultural competency into your organization’s DEI training strategy can yield significant benefits that contribute to a more inclusive and harmonious work environment. Here are some of the key advantages:

Enhanced communication and collaboration among employees.

Culturally competent employees are better equipped to navigate cross-cultural interactions, minimize misunderstandings and foster effective communication within diverse teams. Employees can collaborate more effectively and leverage their unique perspectives to solve problems and drive innovation.

Fostering an environment that values individual differences.

Cultural competency training encourages appreciation and celebration of the unique qualities each person brings to the workplace. By recognizing and respecting individual differences, organizations can create a supportive and inclusive environment that promotes employee well-being, engagement and retention.

Supporting employee growth and development.

Cultural competency training benefits the organization and allows for personal and professional growth. Developing cultural competency skills helps employees expand their global awareness, enhance their communication abilities, and better navigate the complexities of today’s multicultural landscape.

Reducing instances of discrimination and bias.

By understanding and appreciating diverse cultures, cultural competency training helps break down stereotypes and combat unconscious biases that can lead to discrimination. As employees become more aware of their own biases, organizations can create a more equitable and inclusive work environment for everyone.

Strengthening the company’s reputation and brand.

A company that invests in cultural competency training demonstrates its commitment to DEI. This commitment not only benefits internal stakeholders but also enhances the organization’s reputation. A culturally competent and inclusive workplace can attract top talent, appeal to a diverse customer base, and strengthen partnerships with suppliers who value social responsibility and inclusivity.

Best Practices for Integrating Cultural Competency Learning Into DEI Training

Creating a successful cultural competency training program requires thoughtful planning, execution and continuous improvement. Below are some best practices for integrating cultural competency into your DEI training initiatives.

  • Explain why cultural competency learning is necessary.
    • DEI is often a misunderstood topic, and employees can misinterpret what the goal is. Make sure that all backgrounds are incorporated into lessons.
    • Employees are more likely to learn and retain information if they understand why it’s important for them and their colleagues.
    • Allow employees to voice concerns as not everyone realizes they need a broader understanding. Address those concerns with the “why” benefits listed above.
  • Develop a culturally competent curriculum.
    • Design training materials to represent a wide range of cultural backgrounds and experiences.
    • Encourage open dialogue and create a safe space for employees to explore and confront cultural biases and stereotypes that may impact their interactions with others.
    • Equip employees with practical tools for navigating cultural differences in the workplace, such as communication strategies or conflict resolution approaches.
  • Encourage active participation and engagement.
    • Incorporate experiential learning activities, such as role play, simulations, and group exercises, to help employees apply cultural competency skills in a safe and supportive environment.
    • Encourage employees to share their own experiences, perspectives, and insights during training sessions.
  • Provide ongoing support and resources.
    • Offer continuous learning opportunities, such as workshops or webinars, to expand cultural awareness and strengthen skills.
    • Develop a resource library, including articles, books, videos and podcasts, to support employees in their ongoing cultural competency journey.
    • Create mentorship programs or peer support networks to help employees navigate their cultural competency journey by providing guidance and practical advice.


Integrating cultural competency into DEI training can transform your organization’s approach to diversity and inclusion. By making cultural competency a core component of your DEI training strategy, your organization takes a crucial step toward achieving true inclusivity.

To ensure the successful implementation of cultural competency into your DEI training, consider working with an online training provider specializing in cultural competency and DEI initiatives. These partners can offer their expertise in developing a culturally competent curriculum, facilitating engaging training sessions, and providing ongoing support and resources to help your organization navigate its cultural competency journey.